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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Changes To My Study Program

  What Changes I Would Make To My Study Program (Architecture) Hello there! Today I'm going to talk about what changes I would make to my study program. First of all I feel that especially in this pandemic time technology has been a fundamental pillar at this time, so the first change I would make would be to maintain online resources such as recording classes and a blended presence since many people study and work or have financial, personal problems, etc. Well, about the infrastructure, I can't speak because I don't know the FAU yet lol but because of how little I have slept lately I think a good idea would be to implement a sleeping room haha. Honestly (until now) I have really liked the teaching method in the different theoretical subjects so I would not change anything there (maybe I would change the need to evaluate you in the last week I do not understand why kill us like that), but I definitely believe that in the taller They explode your head too much so I would sa...

Time Travel To The Future

 Hello there!  Today I am going to talk to you about traveling to the future. I think that if I were allowed to do so, I would choose to come here, to earth in about 1000 more years, I would not like to know what will happen in my future or that of my loved ones (although it sounds tempting hehe). First I would go to investigate what has happened here, if we continue to exist, if there is vegetation, uuh and if we do exist, is it already a feminist society or not? Haha. I think that if the human race exists at that time, technology is going to be sooo wow so I would like to see that part as well. I would also go to see if the animals still exist or if maybe they took control, so many speculations haha. But I think that despite being so much what I could see I would never stay there, I think I would feel alone and spend thinking about the people that I left in that other temporal dimension. Besides for now if they offered me to travel to the future I'm sure I would say no haha,...